James Fortune ~ Mechanics Schools
Oct - Dec 1968 ~ After bootcamp James A. Fortune PVT E-1 goes to Wheel Vehicle Mechanics School at Fort Huachuca, Arizona (First Combat Support Training Brigade).
Wed 18 Dec. Jim Fortune receives 'Certificate of Training in Wheel Vehicle Mechanics.
Tue 7 Jan 1969 - Thu 20 Feb 1969 ~ What I like about Jim is his persistance to improve himself and that includes his education. He continues to train in mechanics and is transferred to Fort Sill, Oklahoma and takes a six and one-half week course in Tracked Vehicle Mechanics. He is pursuing a job as a tank mechanic while overseas.
Thu 20 Feb 1969 ~ Jim Fortune finishes his Tracked Vehicle Mechanic Course. He wants to go home and see his family & friends in Flint, Michigan. The army will have other plans as he is quickly sent to Korea sometime between end of February and the first week of March 1969.
Jim's story will continue at Fort Sill, Oklahoma while he is still in Tracked Vehicle Mechanic School.