James Fortune ~Vietnam
June 1, 69
Dear Chris,
I got your letter a few days ago. So I guess I had better drop you a line before I forget. Not really Chris. It is getting so you are on my mind most all the time. I guess that your letters are beginning to be a part of me. I don't think that a day goes by that I don't wonder if I will get a letter from you. I wonder if I will get one today. I hope so.
So what have you been doing today. Myself not much. I got my hair cut today and I have been playing cards and drinking beer the rest. It is real hot here today. It is hot here every day now. The monsoon season will be starting here real soon. Then it will be raining here most all the time for about two months. Guess what? I still can take my leave in August. Boy, that makes me so happy. I hope that you and I can spend a lot of time together cause after I leave it will be six more months before we can see each other again. I have so many plans made up for when I get home that I wonder if you and I will have enough time to do them. One thing I would like to do for you and I some Sunday to do is to go the drags. I really miss them. I used to have such a ball at them. What I really miss is not being able to race in them. Well soon you will be out of school. I bet that you are glad. Well Chris I guess it is time to close for now. Write soon and tell everyone hello for me. Oh yes, I hope that you like the pictures.
Your friend,

During Operation Hammer, troops of 6 Platoon, B Company, 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR), commanded by Major Murray Blake, supported by Centurion tanks of No 4 Troop, 1st Armoured Regiment, sweep towards the edge of a rubber plantation at Duc Trung, five miles north of the 1st Australian task force (1ATF) base at Nui Dat. The Australians inflicted heavy casualties on a strong force of North Vietnamese army (NVA) soldiers. Identified from the APC are: Private (Pte) Ray Frauenfelder ( with radio ); Pte Peter Wardrope; Corporal (Cpl) Peter Pezet, Section Commander; 2nd Lieutenant Bob Hutchison, Platoon Commander; Pte Greg Spike Dwiar; Pte Bill (Boong) Errington; two unidentified; Pte Doug Mackellar; Pte Mick Cox; unidentified.